- Description
Practical strategies for toddler care
This user-friendly, strategy-packed book speaks to the realities, challenges, and needs of daily life with rambunctious, enthusiastic, unpredictable toddlers in group settings. The design and format of this book highlights informative and real-life examples, with immediate take-away action steps that detail solutions and resources for practice.
Let’s Talk Toddlers brings research about toddlers to life and presents it along with easy-to-understand strategies that can be applied immediately by caregivers to make each day go more smoothly in the classroom, increasing the quality of toddler care. It aligns with CLASS and ITERS-3.
This book addresses the whole child in the context of family and community. It ensures the highest level of nurture for every area of children’s development, including physical, social-emotional, language, cognitive, and self-regulation skills; personal skills such as emotion and behavior regulation and self-care; as well as mental health and well-being.
Let’s Talk Toddlers includes:
- Real-life vignettes that show best practices in action. Engaging scenarios provide a realistic picture of high-quality teaching and caregiving with culturally inclusive examples of daily interactions with toddlers.
- Teacher Tips. Anecdotes share how teachers solved specific behavior and learning issues in their own classroom.
- The Child’s Point of View. Reveals insights about the needs and perspectives of toddlers from their point of view.
- Action Skills for Success. Application skills that help you reach specific goals with children and illustrate how to set up for children's success in behavior and learning
- Fast Facts/Why this Works. Brief sections that introduce the research that supports the strategies provided.
- Resources for Success. Additional material for exploration on professional websites and organizations, departments of education and national educational resources on school readiness.
- Quick Questions – Simple Solutions. This feature at the end of each chapter poses questions about common frustrations and challenges with answers that offer "apply-on-the-spot" solutions.
232 pages
Age Focus: 1-3